Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Don't Give the Client what they think they want...

...Give Them What They Never Dreamed Possible!

“Isn’t that why they hire us in the first place?” I remember it like it was yesterday. My first real mentor at a client showed me a creative philosophy that he wrote. His philosophy had ten simple ideas about how to run a department. This was one that really stuck with me. It also forced me to ask this question at least a thousand times through the years in this fantastic, frustrating, exhausting and exhilarating business. "Why are we so quick to give a client good when great is out there waiting to be found?"

Creativity and accountability are alive and kicking, so how do we surprise our clients and prove that we’re worth our salt? I believe the answer is simple: Stop trying to just solve advertising problems and start solving business problems.

Cut to the chase to find out what the real problems are with our clients' businesses. What keeps them up at night? What are they not getting from their other strategic partners? We stop trying to come up with the next cool creative, and instead help them understand how to transform their business. Ironically, most of the time, a subject line or creative comes out of it. When all is right in the ad world, all of these things are working together.

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