Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do you want the fortune cookie or the fortune?

eLink Media provides exceptional ability to understand client goals with their campaigns, because as most of us in the online marketing and media space know, those client goals tend to change quite a bit.

The difference between a mediocre campaign and a successful campaign still relies on the basics of any business model and the offer to the general public:

1) Does your product/service provide a value to the consumer?

2) Are you able to innovate (even if it's just a slight tweak) your product/service to keep yourself and your marketing ideas fresh?

3) Do you believe in your product/service or is this just a job?

We value our clients input and feedback and expect their high demands? Why? Because we have those same demands on ourselves. I think the best answer we can ask any advertiser or client that has not worked with us is this: "Has your current marketing agency "wow"ed you lately? If not, let's talk about what your future entails."

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